Monday, March 9, 2015

Welcome to The Road to There/The Sunrise Project!

I just realized I never wrote a welcome page! Time to correct this matter!

Why this blog??
I am honestly just starting this blog as an attempt to start journaling. In fact, my friends don't even know this blog exists yet! In fact, I don't know if they ever will! So be prepared for anything and everything to be posted! Who knows, I may have something for you :) I am temporarily changing my blog title from "The Road to There" to "The Sunrise Project" right now because I am up early enough every day to see the gorgeous sunrise. This goes under-appreciated because I am NOT a morning person, and as gorgeous as the sunrise is, I can't help but look forward to not being able to see it every day. I know I will secretly miss it so I am taking a picture of it every time I see it while driving and forcing myself to take the time to appreciate it. I am also going to be posting motivational quotes and other things. This is all because I AM BURNT OUT and really really want to stay as positive as possible through my last month and a half of school!!

But who are you??
I'm not a fan of about me pages, because I feel like they're a boring mix of "me, me, me" and "us, us, us," but allow me to introduce myself properly...

Hi, my name is Jenni!
I'm a:
  • newlywed
  • student
  • dental nerd
  • beginning blogger
and currently trying to lose weight! I enjoy everything outdoors, gardening, reading medical journals (weird, right?), trying out recipes, and working out. I am passionate about being healthy: physically, mentally, DENTALLY, and spiritually. I'm also slightly obsessed with dinosaurs, which means YES: Cabazon, California is on my bucket list and I will be visiting it shortly after graduation.

Enough about me!
I want to know about you! Feel free to say hi!


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