Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Road to: Feces...?

Warning: Incoming poop rant
*If you want to read some hilarious poop horror stories, check out this Buzzfeed post!

I see all of these cute infographics about how to remove nasty stains from your scrubs...
Never once have I come across one about feces. 

It must not be a very common problem experienced in the medical field, especially not in dentistry. I'm expecting poop when I'm a parent, that's for sure. But I'm not one. So I definitely wasn't prepared for what happened today:

I unsuspectingly walked into my bedroom to change into some gym clothes and that's when it hit me: THE SMELL. Holding my breath I looked down and saw a pair of scrub pants that definitely weren't where I left them. I cringed as I pinched them off the ground. THEY WERE COVERED. And I mean covered. Has anyone done (or at least heard of) the Dirty Dash? Or the Mud Run? Or Tough Mudder? (Do you get where I'm going here???!!!!) THAT IS WHAT MY SCRUB PANTS LOOK LIKE. (Not to mention my carpet!!!) And yes, I am saying look like. Not past tense. Dark poop + khaki scrubs = not easy to remove.

My husband and I after doing the Dirty Dash. (If you didn't know what I was talking about)

Our dog is 8 years old. She's very well trained and never poops in the house. She must have known that she would be in big trouble, so she dragged my pants out of the laundry bin and smeared them around in her feces as if trying to clean it up. Then she gave up and hoped they would at least cover her mess so she wouldn't get in trouble. No wonder she was acting so strange when I got home today! (I am mostly confused about this. I always close all of the doors to the rooms when I leave to keep Mia out of them while we're gone. My husband left an hour before I got home... Giving her just enough time to make this mess the one time Michael didn't shut the door to our bedroom before he left!!! The one time my scrub pants were in perfect reach for her little mouth!) This is hilarious! I can't even be mad at her because it's so funny.

Update #1: Cherokee scrubs can be bleached without ruining their color! My pants are as good as new!
Update #2: I found an infographic that includes feces!


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