Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Road to RDH: First Day of Pre-Clinic!

Today we oriented ourselves with the clinic and were put into teams! I have 10 girls in my team and we are all so excited! It was a lot of fun getting to know everyone. My partner's name is Makenzi and I think she is great. We learned we have extra clinic time available to us to help us practice/pass things off. I am going to utilize the extra clinic whenever I can so I can be the best I can!

I also passed off an LE even though I really didn't think I would!! That was exciting. I definitely need to look over the second half of it a lot tonight before I try to do my PE tomorrow. Actually, my whole team passed off at least one LE today so we are on top of things! Go Silver Team! I can't wait to start learning the basics of scaling teeth!

Some vocabulary for you:
LE: Learning Experience. (Kind of like a quiz)
PE: Process Evaluation. (Kind of like a test)


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