Kaitlin's Cancer Story
One year ago I came home to find my best friend crying. Kaitlin was diagnosed with cancer (Papillary carcinoma) and neither of us knew how to respond to that. I think the worst part of it was she knew something was wrong but her doctor had told her she was fine. She had a couple doctors tell her she was fine. What if she hadn't continued to seek out second opinions? What if she had just accepted their "No. You're fine" despite having blood tests with cancer levels??? Despite having a golf ball sized GROWTH on her THYROID???? I would have just left it at that after being told I'm okay. I am SO glad she didn't as it had already begun to metastasize when it was finally found.
"Well after months of doctor visits and being poked with many needles and having many tests done the doctor has confirmed that I have cancer. I will have surgery soon. Glad to finally be getting answers, but this is a lot to deal with right now."
Her mother immediately mailed her a
Box of Sunshine. (A package filled with all things yellow! Which is also Kaitlin's favorite color!) It was the CUTEST thing. She also sent her positive quotes in the mail every single day of the week so Kaitlin would come home to a yellow
happy thought. It was so creative, oh so cute, and I know that it really helped Kate get through it. She still has all of these quotes pinned up on her wall :)
She had her surgery within weeks of the diagnosis. They removed her thyroid as well as a few suspicious looking lymph nodes surrounding it. They didn't want to remove too many without being sure, so they biopsied others.
"Just woke up from surgery. Doctor told my parents that it went well. Pain is at a bearable level currently. Thanks to everyone for your support!"
Was this enough? NO!
She still had cancer, and it had spread. But she remained positive throughout everything.
"So my pathology reports came back positive for cancer in surrounding lymph nodes. I'll do treatments to kill off what's left of the papillary carcinoma. After this I should be good as new! The hardest part is over!"
This still had its frustrations though. This was a lot for her to deal with, emotionally and physically. This girl is a major runner. She can run at least 8 miles without stopping. (I'm sure she can run more but that is as far as I am willing to go when I run with her. I'm a wimp!)
"You think I don't see you, don't notice how your eyes follow as I run by. The look on your face says it all, "Why is she even trying?" I make my way down the sidewalk out of breath, 1 mile done. I need to walk, my energy is depleating. I wish I could scream out to all of you with your judging looks, "I HAD SURGERY 3 WEEKS AGO, I'M FIGHTING CANCER, I'M DOING MY BEST!!" But you don't know this, you just see an out of shape girl. 2 miles done. Avoid eye contact. Keep running."
Nothing stopped her though. She kept her grades up and continued to exercise throughout it all.
Good news:
This is a little unrelated to her cancer, but she did another brave thing. She FLEW to California for my wedding. She hates flying, hadn't done it in YEARS (since she was a little girl) and had never flown alone. I had no idea how much I would need her there, as it ended up being a really stressful week. My family was in a car accident the day before my wedding. (My twin brother, my sister, my brother in law, and my cousins.) The car was totaled and they were sent to the E.R. My brother was unconscious with a head injury. I don't know what I would have done without my best friend there to help me keep it together.
"Just booked a flight for the first time! I haven't been on a plane in years and now I will be flying alone! You better love me Jenni!"
The best news!
"I am officially, 100%, cancer free!"
She stayed strong, she fought through it, and I am SO glad. If you are in the dental field, please be REALLY on top of your extra and intra oral exams. I could feel the growth on her thyroid while doing extra oral exams, but only if I really jammed my fingers into her thyroid as she swallowed. It is SO important. Do not EVER skip these exams. You really are saving lives. If you are not in the medical field, please check yourselves! You can find a guide here. And make sure to ask for it at the dental office if you are not getting it!! It's free with your appointment. You can find another inspiring oral cancer story by Eva Grayzel at sixstepscreening.org