Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Road to: CA State Fair and an Employment Update!

I suppose an employment update is due! Big news! I am currently working for 2 different offices! Each office is only one day a week: I am in one office on Wednesdays, and another on Saturdays. I have had these jobs for a few weeks and I'm finally getting the hang of it! The rest of my days depend on whether or not I have a working interview (which is scarce), or if my temp agency calls me! I've been averaging 1 day a week with my temp agency, which is perfect. :)

Do not let this fool you, it sounds like I only have 2-3 days a week, but I make sure to work full time hours. I have actually been working 6 days a week these past couple weeks! I have been covering a front desk job for California Fairs on my non-hygiene days because their receptionist went to Italy. (Lucky woman!) It's been really nice because they have been so flexible with my hygiene schedule, and I got two free tickets out of it! I was able to take my husband to the state fair after I got off on Saturday! It was really fun. Other weeks, I do odd jobs to fill in the rest of my non-hygiene days. More often than not, I find myself nannying which is something I really enjoy. I wish I could work in a pediatric office because I love the kiddos so much, but pediatric offices generally only hire dental assistants. Bummer!

California State Fair! My southern man talked me into trying deep friend cheesecake. No regrets! We also got to watch the world record holding Splashdog. So cute! Click on the picture below to see her jump 30 feet!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! Did you know you can celebrate with toothpaste?! I must say, it is a beauty hack I DON'T recommend :) 

It has already been an eventful 4th of July weekend! I got diode laser certified in the BEAUTIFUL city of Sonoma! It might be a new life goal of mine to live there now, because WOW. Take the time to look up photos of it, it will not be time wasted! The course was really fun, and refining my laser skills with a tomato really made me feel like I was in school again! We also got to practice with pig jaws which was really neat. Pigs have the WEIRDEST teeth!

Right after my laser course I drove straight to the Folsom Rodeo. I met my husband there for a double date with my parents! It was so much fun! If you have never seen a mutton bustin' event in your life, I HIGHLY recommend it. Watching 5 year old kids try to ride sheep is the greatest.

I am going to help my husband work at Rancho Cordova's 4th of July Festival today, then we are heading over to my parents' house for a 4th of July barbecue with my brother's family. Let the festivities continue! Stay safe, fed, and cool today my friends! :)

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Road to: Getting a Dental Hygiene Job! Temp Postcards

While I was waiting for my license I had a lot of time to think about how I wanted to go about my job search. I decided to make dental hygiene temp cards and drop them off at all of the offices within 5 miles of my house. I chose this route because it is a way I can apply to all of the offices nearby without upsetting the staff. (Some employees feel threatened when people drop off resumes and just toss them in the trash without showing them to anyone!)

I started handing them out this morning, and one of the dentists called me this afternoon! He said he wasn't hiring but would definitely call me if he needed a temp. He called me back 15 minutes later and OFFERED ME A JOB! Who knew getting hired would be this easy?! I am uncomfortable accepting work for someone I've never met, so we set up a working interview! I am beyond excited. 

Below is a photo of the front of my temp card! I put my resume with a list of my qualifications on the back of it.

I got the idea for dental hygiene postcards from

Friday, May 29, 2015

The Road to RDH: Finally Licensed!

It's here! It's here! It's finally here! It's official! I am a real registered dental hygienist! Now I get to flood the earth with my resume and cross my fingers that someone will give this new grad a chance! It is so hard to get your first job, because most employers demand at least 2 years experience. I think they require this because so many new grads are very slow due to being allowed 3 hours for appointments during school and suddenly being thrown into 1 hour appointments. I am so grateful I went to a school that had an efficiency clinic to whip us into shape and get us used to the fast-paced style of established practices!

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Road to RDH: Life in Limbo

I am stuck. Stuck in the stage right between graduation and looking for a job. I check the mail regularly for any sign of my dental hygiene license, even though I know it won't be there! (I just took-and passed- my jurisprudence exam today! It was the final step for licensure and it only took me about 10 minutes to complete!) Until my license comes, which in reality is about a week and a half, I am in limbo!

I must admit, while I really miss seeing patients on the daily, life in limbo is pretty great. I work part time doing samples at Costco, and on my days off I have no commitments, no plans, no anything for that matter! That being said I am over my vacation in limbo and I AM DYING TO START WORKING IN A DENTAL OFFICE. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Road to RDH: Clinical Boards!!

IS THIS REAL LIFE?! I passed both anesthesia clinical and hygiene clinical first try!!! I'm ecstatic. I can't believe this is real life! Look out residents of California! I will find you, and I will clean your teeth! :D

I'M ANESTHESIA CERTIFIED! I got to the exam site early, so I was able to do my exam early! This meant I was done with it and holding the most beautiful purple piece of paper I had ever seen before my exam even was scheduled to begin! My clinical anesthesia patient was so great. She's one of the juniors (Seniors now!!) at UCDH and so willing to help out. I have been really blessed to have such amazing, kind, and flexible patients! I will admit, I was perfectly fine walking into the building but I got nervous at the last minute. I told my friend Lisa I was scared. She immediately grabbed my shoulders and shook me and yelled "YOU CANNOT BE NERVOUS. IT STRESSES ME OUT BECAUSE IF YOU'RE NERVOUS THEN I HAVE TO BE REALLY NERVOUS BECAUSE YOU ARE NEVER NERVOUS!!!!!!!!!!!" (Lisa is in my carpool so she saw me the days leading up to, as well as the days of my written exams. I wasn't scared. I knew what I knew and saw no reason to stress out about it.) This was just the wake up call I needed so I shook it off and went to my exam cool and collected. As with most things in life, confidence is key.

10 of my peers failed, most of which due to poor submissions. It made me a little nervous to walk past their disappointed faces as I entered the exam. I made a last minute adjustment to my patient submissions, to make them a little more difficult. Thankfully, my first patient submission was accepted and I was able to do everything on time. Being able to administer anesthesia without anyone watching me was CRAZY! I know I wouldn't be here holding this glorious golden paper without my amazing clinical instructors. I swear their voices were in my head telling me what to do throughout my entire exam. I feel so blessed to have been able to take my exam right where I have been practicing hygiene for the past twenty months. I just pretended it was another day at clinic, and went for it. My friend Brittani and I were able to take our exams at the same time, so we were there for each other when we received our news. We were so excited that we gave each other a huge loupe-crushing hug. R.I.P. loupes... You served me well.

OFFICIALLY DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Road to RDH: NBDHE Results and Advice!

Oh and did I mention that I PASSED MY NATIONAL BOARD? :) There is a light at the end of the tunnel! Graduating, though awesome, was a little anticlimactic because I'm not done yet! Bah! I still have clinicals and my jurisprudence exam! BUT I wanted to offer a little bit of advice about NDBHE.

With any big task, there comes preparation, and boards are NO exception.

Even if you don't know it, you are preparing for NBDHE from the first day of prerequisite courses for your program. YES, YOUR PREREQUISITES ARE ON THE EXAM!! (But no, there aren't very many questions about them on there.) The Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations is kind enough to post a breakdown of the questions on ADA's website every year. This year, it looked something like this:
Biochemistry and Nutrition-6
Microbiology and Immunology-10
Assessing Patient Characteristics-17
Planning and Managing Dental Hygiene Care-34
Performing Periodontal Procedures-18
Using Preventive Agents-9
Providing Supportive Treatment Services-7
Professional Responsibility-18
Community Health/Research-24
^That's quite a few topics! It's almost overwhelming when you look at it, right? But guess what! You can do this!!!

I will be honest, I did not really study for NBDHE. (Gasp! I didn't WHAT?)
Yes, I will say it again. I didn't really study for national boards.

But before you freak out, I WILL say that I reviewed quite a bit for NBDHE. I've noticed that every class in my dental hygiene education built on each other, so I felt like I was constantly getting review class after class and the information was pretty drilled into me. That being said, I would like to offer up some advice:

Tip #1: DON'T STRESS and Be Confident!
The biggest and most important tip of all is relax! Seriously!! You know this stuff, you do it every day at school! You have been preparing for these exams for a couple years now. You've adequately prepared for your exam by going to class class, seeking difficult patients, and studying! You've worked hard and it will pay off. Be confident in your abilities. You can do it!

Tip #2: Know Yourself
When you are preparing for the NBDHE, or any big exam, it is important to know yourself. Know your study habits, know your weak points, and get cracking!

For me, quizzes and tests, trial and error, etc are the only ways I can REALLY memorize information. I also have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to studying, so I had to narrow down my study list as much as possible and trick myself into thinking it's a game. If I don't, I won't retain a single word of what I read.

I examined this list of topics above and ordered everything by importance (ie: how many questions they had and how well I knew the topics). This list showed me that 116 of the questions are on provision of clinical dental hygiene services. STUFF YOU DO EVERY DAY. YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS ANWAY! :) That was a comfort for me and I chose not to study those categories. The way I saw it, if I still don't know how to assess and properly treat a patient at this point, I don't deserve to be a hygienist. The rest of the topics, on the other hand, were pretty broad subjects to only snag 5-10ish questions from. There is no way I could possibly study EVERYTHING and be prepared for any 5 questions they threw at me, so I decided not to stress myself out and to just play some review games instead. Here is how I reviewed for NBDHE:

1. AndyRDH                                                               2. Pass It!

When you take the mock boards or test by subject, it will average out your score for you and say "Based on last year's average results, you would get a score of ___ on Boards." AndyRDH was a bad influence on me. AndyRDH told me I would get 99s and so I let myself believe it, because stress relief. But that is also why I LOVE THIS APP. It is so informative, offers rationale for why certain answers are right and wrong, includes radiograph interpretation, and so many other perks. There is no way NOT to love this app and for that reason I will never delete it from my phone. Ever. Only $10 at the app store, this app is WELL WORTH IT!

The Pass It! app isn't as kind. It was a better influence on me because it tells you your raw score. It doesn't tell you rationale. You need to look it up and study on your own, which is also nice because then it forces you to study. It clues you in to what you need help on, and then you are responsible for taking care of that on your own. It tracks your quiz results for you and helps you see if you are improving or not. I loved that. I also really loved their anesthesia section. It was THE BEST. Both of these apps were WELL WORTH the $10 I spent on each of them. 5 stars for each, highly recommended!

Tip #2: Eliminate Distractions

I would play these board review apps during 10 minute breaks between classes, during the drive to and from school (if I wasn't the one driving carpool) and whenever I was bored. I deleted all other games from my phone, Instagram, Snapchat, and any other distractors so these apps were literally my only options. I would like to include an excerpt from HygieneEdge, one of my favorite blogs, because my previous instructor could not have said it any better:
Does this story next sound familiar?  You have planned two hours for some study time and then your phone dings…20 minutes later you crack open your book ready to start. Your phone then flashes; a new Instagram post…15 minutes gone.  Beep beep......a post reminds you to check that video on Facebook…another 45 minutes, poof, gone. You have 40 minutes left of study time and you decide to get serious so you Snapchat a pic of you studying hard with your book. You snap another pic of you chewing your pencil and the next thing you know study time is UP. Does this all sound familiar? When I was studying for boards I had a classmate change my Facebook password so I couldn't log in for 2 months. It saved me time, sanity and helped me focus. To this day my password is still boards stuck with my classmate's birthday digits at the end. I smile every time I have to type it in. 

Tip #3: Focus on Your Weaknesses
I kind of mentioned this above, but it is so so important to focus on your weak areas. Don't waste your time studying something you know when you could be studying something you need help on!! I hadn't taken community in a while so I made sure to study up on that again, pharmacology because studying for that is like trying to memorize a dictionary for a different language, etc. I've found Board Review books are awesome crash courses in the topics you don't remember as well as others.

When I actually felt the need to study topics, I used this book:

Don't be fooled by this picture, the book is PURPLE. I think I used the 2012-2013 edition. I don't know how much it costs, because I got my hands on it for free (I checked it out from the library) but if you really are itching to go out and buy something, I recommend this text!


You aren't Just Studying for Boards!
Newsflash! Dental hygiene is our PROFESSION! We will need to retain a lot of this information for life. I already regret not studying for Boards as if it were, so now that I have all of this newfound free time, I am going to study again because I want to be the best dental hygienist EVER. I passed the exam, but that isn't enough. If it were enough, we wouldn't be required to do continuing education every year!

Best of luck to you as you prepare for this exam!!! Be confident, you've got this!